Is there a case for on-site soil repurposing?

Instead of hauling away excavated soil, is it more sustainable and cost-effective to reuse it onsite? ScapeSpec has been undergoing research and development to expand the way we view onsite stock piles. Creating opportunities for cost reductions, site-specific ecodiversity and carbon reduction.

Cost Reduction - Keeping excavated soil onsite, can save money on disposal costs, reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfills or other disposal facilities. It can also eliminate the need to purchase new soil, which can be expensive.

Site-Specific Ecodiversity Reusing soil on-site, enables the creation of a growing medium uniquely adapted to the specific soil conditions, climate, and other environmental factors of the location.

Eco-sourcing soil for reuse on-site helps preserve and promote local biodiversity. Using soil native to the area, can support the growth of native plants and create amore diverse ecosystem.

Carbon Reduction - Reusing soil excavated on-site greatly reduces transportation emissions.  There is no need to truck the soil off-site,then on completion cart it back, often from much further sources.  Reduced transportation has a clear impact on carbon footprint.

But first we must understand your soil. Assessing excavated soil quality is important to ensure the suitability for planting or reuse.

Soil quality assessment is an essential first step to determine viability of reuse. Gaining understanding of potential contaminants and suitability for device or specific specie plant growth. It enables informed amendments to improve quality and suitability. The ScapeSpec laboratory can review samples and perform appropriate assessment.

Key factors to consider when assessing the quality of excavated soil:

  • Texture
  • pH and Electrical Conductivity(EC)
  • Nutrient levels
  • Contaminants.

On-site soil can be repurposed to createa multitude of media solutions. ScapeSpec will work closely with your design team to understand critical site variables and media outcomes. Together, creating a high-quality product that is fit for purpose.

Read more in our On-site Soil Repurposing Booklet

If you have a project that you think might benefit from repurposing soil Contact Us

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