Queen Street Revitalization

Project Overview

The goal of this project was to transform Queen Street into a vibrant and user-friendly space. Achieving this through wide boardwalks, seating and flourishing native planter boxes, the environment was shaped for people to enjoy and want to spend their time in. Inline with the The City Centre Masterplan (CCMP), this was the pilot project in a series of stages designed to transform Queen Street.


This project consisted of 140 steel planters placed between the footpath and street creating a barrier of green, imitating natural variation through varying heights and diameters. The planters are self-wicking, meaning they hold water at the base of the planter, enhancing efficiency with consideration given to watering limitations. After collaborating with Landscapes Architects our challenge was to design a media that catered to these unique planters and site variables. Leveraging our media knowledge and performance data we created UP320. UP320 is a media designed specifically for growing in confined spaces while providing a full nutrient rich growing layer. This media is free draining whilst having maximum water retention and includes other enhancements for high-performing plant growth, health, and longevity.


Working alongside the project team, we were able to understand all the variables and could design a deliverable solution for these wicking planters. With time each planter, now filled with natives, will continue thriving and eventually creating a dense green backdrop to the cityscape.

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